
Teri Franzen hopes that through photography and stories she can raise awareness of the natural beauty that surrounds us. Nature and wildlife are precious commodities. Now, more than ever before, they need our help.

A few years ago, Teri stumbled onto wildlife photography quite by accident when she wandered too close to a Northern Goshawk’s nest. Realizing her error she turned to retreat and the adult hawk swooped at her head, making contact, twice. She left with superficial wounds on her head and a deep reverence for the power and protective nature of this female Goshawk. She couldn’t wait to learn more.

Since that fateful encounter, Teri has photographed wildlife in several different US states, including Alaska and has traveled to Africa twice. She has spent countless hours in makeshift blinds watching and photographing Wood Ducks in NY and Peregrine Falcons at a natural cliff eyrie in PA.

With a strong emphasis on ethics, Teri is passionate about observing and photographing wildlife on its terms, wild, unaltered and undisturbed.

Teri is based in Endicott, NY. Having served on the board of the Waterman Conservation Education Center board of directors, Teri is the program originator and lead instructor of the Waterman Natural History Through the Lens (NHTL) program working to promote environmental awareness through education. She has been published in Birdwatching Magazine, Wild Planet Photo Magazine, the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) Expressions Journal and Wildlife Photographic magazine.

Pictured above: Teri’s makeshift photography blind at Brick Pond

Please contact Teri for the purchase of fine art prints, commission of new photography work, image licensing for educational purposes or speaking to public audiences in support of conservation or education. Send e-mail to tfranzen@stny.rr.com or use the contact form below.



Thumbnail image photographed by Paul Steil at Nickerson Beach, NY.

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2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Fabulous pics of the peregrines. I practiced falconry many years ago and have only recently taken up photography so I don’t have any shots of my birds. I think you’ve got a good eye for a photo – composition and exposure are great! I live in Massachusetts but once got out to Taughannock Falls and saw where the peregrines used to nest and was in awe of the beauty of the area. I’m going to do photography full-time next year – I do landscapes, wildlife, & macros right now, with portraits and maybe weddings on the (distant) horizon. Website/Web_presence going up next year too as I also have so many I want to share that are languishing in my Google drive right now. Well thanks for your beautiful photos – they inspire me to try harder. 🙂

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